Tasik Divers Derawan
frequently asked questionsLocation
The Derawan Islands (Kepulauan Derawan) are in the province of East Kalimantan in Indonesia. They include Derawan, Sangalaki, Kakaban, Maratua, Panjang and Samama Island and submerged reefs and islets. They are located in the Sulawesi (Celebes) Sea, on the coastal shelf of East Kalimantan (2°17’N – 118°13’E).
What is so special about Derawan?
Located in a biodiversity hotspot, the Derawan Islands feature 872 species of reef fishes, 507 species of coral, and invertebrates, including protected species (5 giants clam species, 2 sea turtles, coconut crab, etc). Some of the islands harbour the largest green turtle nesting sites in Indonesia.
Another highlight is the Jellyfish Lake at nearby Kakaban Island. Thousands of years ago during the Holocene period, an uplifting had trapped an area of seawater, turning it into a land-locked saltwater lake, similar to the one found in Palau, Micronesia. The beauty of Jellyfish Lake is that it supports an amazing array of unique marine animal and plant life. The lake has four different species of stingless jellyfish, including one that swims upside down. It also supports many species of fish (mainly gobies). Algae, sponges, tube worms and tunicates cover the lake�s mangrove roots, as well as sea cucumbers and bi-valves. Anemones and even sea snakes have also been seen here.

How to get there?
The best option to reach our remote but beautiful place is flying to Singapore/Jakarta/Kuala Lumpur first and then onto Balikpapan. In Balikpapan there is a very comfortable lounge to wait the few hours you need to catch the short flight to Berau (45min), which we are very happy to arrange for you.
In Berau our driver will await you to bring you to Tanjung Batu, throug Kalimantans beautiful landscape (2h). At Tanjung Batu our speedboat will pick you up to whisk you 30 minutes accross the sea to the island. Here you will pull up directly onto the lodge beach, getting your feet wet for the first time and being welcomed with big smiles and a cold drink.